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- Lisa Spang
Avhandling: Perspectives on the daily life of older adults applying for a nursing home, Örebro universitet, 4 oktober 2024 - Maria Lönn
Avhandling: Weighted blankets as a sleep intervention for children with ADHD, Högskolan i Halmstad, 13 september 2024
- Therese Nordin
Avhandling: Harnessing togetherness: perceptions of loneliness and promotion of social participation in the home care context, Umeå universitet, 28 april, 2023 - Anette Johansson
Avhandling: Hemrehabilitering ur ett personcentrerat perspektiv, Jönköping University, 26 maj, 2023 - Maria Bergström
Avhandling: Participation and support in everyday life over a decade – perspectives of persons with rheumatoid arthritis and their significant others, Linköpings universitet, 1 september, 2023 - Susanne Assander
Avhandling: Evolving Reablement through Occupational Perspectives and Welfare Technology in Home Care, Karolinska Institutet, 24 november, 2023 - Emelie Mälstam
Avhandling: Make My Day - Exploring engaging occupation in stroke prevention and promotion of health, Karolinska Institutet, 8 december, 2023
- Elin Karlsson
Avhandling: Legitimacy and comprehensibility of work-related assessments and official decisions within the sickness insurance system, Linköpings universitet, 29 april, 2022 - Marie Jönsson
Avhandling: Everyday activities in older adults readmitted to hospital, Örebro universitet, 25 maj, 2022 - Ann-Christine Persson
Avhandling: Managing time with dementia: Assessment and early detection of the need for time-related interventions and experiences of time assistive technology, Karolinska Institutet, 28 oktober, 2022 - Nilla Andersson
Avhandling: Housing Matters for People with Parkinson´s disease. Accessibility, Meaning, Control and Activities of Daily Living, Lunds universitet, 24 november, 2022 - Emma Kjörk
Avhandling: A standardised follow-up model to support people after stroke, Göteborgs universitet, 18 november, 2022
- Lis Sjöberg
Avhandling: Healthcare interventions in children with congenital limb reduction deficiency - long term outcomes and experiences of decisions made during childhood, Örebro Universitet, 10 september, 2021 - Cathrine Widehammar
Avhandling: Benefits and use of myoelectric arm prostheses - Outcomes, influencing factors and experiences, Örebro Universitet, 18 juni, 2021 - Ahmed Amer
Avhandling: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of two questionnaires for the assessment of occupational performance in children with disability - Children´s Hand-use Experience Qestionnaire (CHEQ) and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Örebro Universitet, 28 maj, 2021 - Katarina Baudin
Avhandling: Assistive technology and Welfare technology explorations. Aspects of perception, utilisation and decision-making, Mälardalens högskola, 28 maj, 2021 - Moa Yngve
Avhandling: Participation and ICT: Students with Special Educational Needs in Upper Secondary School, Linköpings Universitet, 28 januari, 2021 - Maria Andreassen
Avhandling: Digital support for people with cognitive impairment: An intervention to increase the occupational performance in everyday life, Linköpings Universitet, 9 september, 2021 - Tamar Abzhandadze
Avhandling: Cognition and activity early after stroke, Göteborgs universitet, 12 november, 2021
- Ingrid Andreasson
Avhandling: Functional outcome and experiences concerning daily life after malunion of the distal radius and corrective osteotomy, Göteborgs universitet, 11 december, 2020 - Kristin Alfredsson Ågren
Avhandling: Internet use and digital participation in everyday life. Adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities, Kristin Alfredsson Ågren, enheten för arbetsterapi, Linköpings universitet, 18 september, 2020 - Lena Bergqvist
Avhandling: Life is doing. Facilitators and hindrances for occupational performance in adults with cerebral palsy - including methods of intervention, Göteborgs universitet, 31 januari, 2020 - Ulrika Wijk
Avhandling: Towards a tactile artificial hand, Lunds universitet, 20 mars, 2020 - Caroline Fischl
Avhandling: Ageing in a Digital Society - An Occupational Perspective on Social Participation, Umeå Universitet, 8 maj, 2020 - Theresa Westgård
Avhandling: Comprehending the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment: Feasibility, outcomes and experiences of frail older people. Göteborgs universitet, 28 augusti, 2020. - Charlotte Wassenius
Avhandling: Occupational engagement after stroke - a long-term perspective, Göteborgs Universitet, 2 oktober, 2020
- Lisa Holmlund
Avhandling: Return to work : exploring paths toward work after spinal cord injury and designing a rehabilitation intervention, Karolinska Institutet, 15 mars, 2019 - Susann Porter
Avhandling: Critical factors in the return-to-work process. Perspectives of individuals with mental health problems, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and employers, Lunds universitet, 4 oktober, 2019 -
Jennie Riekkola
Avhandling: Older couples' participation in everyday life - when living in changing and shifting contexts, Luleå tekniska universitet, 18 juni, 2019 - Martha Gustavsson
Avhandling: Participation in everyday life after stroke: Development and evaluation of F@ce- a team-based, person-centred rehabilitation intervention supported by Information and communication technology, Karolinska Institutet, 29 maj, 2019 - Annika Öst Nilsson
Avhandling: ReWork-Stroke – Content and experiences of a person-centred rehabilitation programme for return to work after stroke. Karolinska Institutet, 5 april, 2019. - Kristine Lund
Avhandling: Balancing Everyday Life. Exploring change following an activity-based lifestyle intervention for mental health service users, Lunds universitet, 22 mars, 2019 - Alexandra Olofsson
Avhandling: Möjlighet till aktivitet och delkatighet utanför hemmet för personer med förvärvad hjärnskada. Luleå tekniska universitet, februari, 2019. - Margret Buchholz
Avhandling: Let's stay in touch! Remote communication for people with communicative and cognitive disabilities. Göteborgs universitet, 18 januari, 2019.
Margarita Mondaca
Avhandling: It’s my party - Opportunities for older adults to influence everyday activities in a nursing home setting, Karolinska Institutet, 30 november, 2018 - Pernilla Vikström
Avhandling: The role of early sensory relearning following nerve injury, Lunds universitet, 30 november, 2018 -
Angela Bångsbo
Avhandling: Collaborative challenges in integrated care: Untangling the preconditions for collaboration and frail older people's participation. Göteborgs universitet, 16 november, 2018. - Frida Lygnegård
Avhandling: Participation in and outside school. Self-ratings by Swedish adolescents with and without impairments and long-term conditions. Hälsohögskolan Jönköping, 26 oktober, 2018 - Linda Sandberg
Avhandling: Living at home with cognitive impairments - Risks in daily living and support from home care service, Karolinska Institutet, 26 oktober, 2018 - Pia Hovbrandt
Avhandling: Participation in and outside school: Self-ratings by Swedish adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions. Lunds universitet, 18 oktober, 2018. - Annikki Arola
Avhandling: Capturing the experience of health among persons aging in a migration context - Health promotion interventions as means to enable health and occupations in daily life. Göteborgs
universitet, 18 oktober, 2018. - Git Lidman
Avhandling: Learning for life - How children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy learn to master bimanual activities. Göteborgs universitet, 28 september, 2018. - Maya Kylén
Avhandling: Perceived aspects of home, health and well-being among people in Sweden aged 67-70 years, Lund University, 1 juni, 2018 - Mari Broqvist
Avhandling: Asking the public. Citizens' views on priority setting and resource allocation in democratically governed healthcare, Linköpings universitet, april, 2018 - Suzanne Johansson
Avhandling: An Individual Enabling and Support model for return to work among persons with affective disorders. Evaluation and implementation of a new model. Lunds universitet, april, 2018 - Lizette Norin
Avhandling: Housing accessibility and participation among older adults with long-standing spinal cord inury. Lunds universitet, 18 januari, 2018. - Gärd Holmqvist
Avhandling: Bildterapi – en väg till inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2018
- Christina Blomdahl
Avhandling: Painting from Within - Developing and Evaluating a Manual-based Art therapy for Patients with Depression. Göteborgs universitet, 6 oktober, 2017. - Marianne Boström
Avhandling: Vardagslivets aktiviteter - Handlingen som terapeutiskt redskap vid återhämtning för personer med svårare psykiska funktionshinder, Örebro universitet, september, 2017 - Jenny Hultqvist
Avhandling: Recovery-promoting factors in day centres and Clubhouses for people with psychiatric disabilities. A comparative study, Lunds universitet, 17 februari, 2017. - Ann Johansson
Avhandling: Occupational adaptation in diverse contexts with a focus on persons in vulnerable life situations, Jönköping university, juni, 2017 - Annika Lind Falk
Avhandling: Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care Education and Practice, Linköpings universitet, 20 januari, 2017. - Charlotta Ryd
Avhandling: Technology use among older adults with and without cognitive impairment: exploring relations with daily life occupations and need of support, Karolinska Institutet, 30 november, 2017
- Emmelie Barenfeld
Avhandling:How to support knowing and doing in promotion of health - Lessons learned from the Promoting Aging Migrants' Capabilities program, Göteborgs universitet, 23 november, 2016. - Vedrana Bolic Baric
Avhandling: Support in school and the occupational transition process: Adolescents and young adults with neuropsychiatric diasabilities. Linköpings universitet 5 februari 2016. - Maria Borgestig
Avhandling: The impact of gaze-based assistive technology on daily activities in children with severe physical impairments. Linköpings Universitet, 15 januari 2016. - Daniela Castro
Avhandling: Creating opportunities for cultural awareness in occupational therapy: an example from Latin America. Göteborgs universitet, 1 juni 2016. - Christina Eriksson
Avhandling: The process of occupational therapists implementing client-centred ADL intervention in clinical practice, Karolinska Institutet, 16 december, 2016 - Christina Engstrand
Avhandling: Hand function in patients with Dupuytren’s disease: Assessment, results & patients’ perspectives. Linköpings universitet, 22 april 2016. - Ellinor Larsson
Avhandling: Att främja sociala aktiviteter och delaktighet bland seniorer: Utforska och utvärdera sociala och internetbaserade arbetsterapeutiska interventioner. Umeå universitet 12 februari 2016. - Margit Neher
Avhandling: Learning Challenges Associated with Evidence-Based Practice in Rheumatology. Linköpings universitet 7 juni 2016. - Maria Ranner
Avhandling: Evaluation and experiences of a client-centred ADL intervention after stroke. Karolinska Institutet 1 april 2016. - Iolanda Silva Tavares
Avhandling: The dynamic nature of participation - Experiences, strategies and conditions for occupations in daily life amongst persons with late effects of polio. Göteborgs universitet 17 mars 2016. - Marianne Sirkka
Avhandling: Hållbart förbättringsarbete med fokus på arbetsterapi och team - möjligheter och utmaningar. Luleå Tekniska universitet, 10 juni 2016. - Björg Thordardottir
Avhandling: Home, health and participation for community living people with disability. Lunds universitet, 14 april 2016. - Johannes Österholm
Avhandling: Assessment meetings between care managers and persons living with dementia: Citizenship as practice, Linköpings universitet, 3 juni, 2016.
- Inger Ahlstrand
Avhandling:Pain and its relation to participation in valued activities in rheumatoid arthritis. Jönköpings universitet, 18 september 2015. - Ann-Sofie Bertilsson
Avhandling: Evaluation of a client-centred ADL intervention after stroke. Karolinska Institutet, 28 augusti 2015. - Cecilia Björklund
Avhandling: Temporal patterns of daily occupations and personal projects relevant for older persons’ subjective health: a health promotive perspective, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, 10 april, 2015. - Peter Bontje
Avhandling: Unfolding familiarity. Re-occupying daily life among older persons with physical disabilities, in Japan. Karolinska Institutet, 18 september 2015. - Annicka Hedman
Avhandling: Technology use in everyday activities among older adults with mild cognitive impairment - A study of changes over time and views on technology as support. Karolinska Institutet, 22 maj 2015. - Erika Johansson
Avhandling: Active lifestyle all your life: a mulitfactorial group-based falls-prevention programme. Karolinska Institutet, 25 september 2015. - Maria Johansson
Avhandling: Cognitive impairment and its consequences in everyday life. Linköpings Universitet, 10 april 2015. - Ann-Charlotte Kassberg
Avhandling: Förmåga att använda vardagsteknik i aktivitet efter förvärvad hjärnskada - med fokus mot arbete, Luleå Tekniska universitet, 17 april, 2015. - Ida Kåhlin
Avhandling: Delaktig (även) på äldre dar. Åldrande och delaktighet bland personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som bor i gruppbostad, Linköpings universitet, 13 februari, 2015. - Qarin Lood
Avhandling: Discovering the capabilities of ageing persons who are born abroad - crossing norms, moving health promotion forward, Göteborgs universitet, 20 februari, 2015. - Ulrica Lundström
Avhandling: Personer som åldras med traumatisk ryggmärgsskada och deras vardagsliv.Luleå Tekniska universitet, 12 juni, 2015. - Linda Nordstrand
Avhandling: Longitudinal development of hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy and its relation to brain lesion and treatment, Karolinska Institutet, 8 maj, 2015 - Isabelle Ottenvall Hammar
Avhandling: Navigating towards a self-determined daily life in old age. Experiences, instrument evaluation and explanatory factors. Göteborgs universitet Sahlgrenska Akademin, 4 juni 2015. - Marine Sturesson
Avhandling: Primärvårdens arbete med sjukskrivna – patientmötet, bedömningar och samverkan. Umeå universitet, 29 oktober 2015. - Magnus Zingmark
Avhandling: Aktivitetsfokuserade och aktivitetsbaserade interventioner för äldre booende i ordinärt boende: Interventionseffekter i relation till aktivtetsengagemang och kostnadseffektivitet. (Eng titel: Occupation-focused and occupation-based interventions för community-dwelling older people). Umeå universitet, 23 mars, 2015. - Kristina Vroland Nordstand
Avhandling: Goal setting and skills achievements in children with disabilities. Karolinska Institutet, 18 september 2015.
- Helena Bergström
Avhandling: Health promotion for adults with intellectual disabilities: Evaluation of a multi-component intervention in community residences, Karolinska Institutet, 9 september, 2014. - Christina Ekelund
Avhandling: Att vara agent i sitt eget liv. Hur självbestämmande kan förstås, uppfattas och utvärderas i en kontext av hemmaboende sköra äldre personer. Göteborgs universitet, mars 2014. - Marianne Granbom
Avhandling: Relocation and residential reasoning in very old age - Housing, health and everyday life, Lunds universitet, 12 december, 2014. - Inger Jansson
Avhandling: On the nature of work ability. Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping, april 2014. - Marianne Kylberg
Avhandling: Assistive Devices in Everyday Life for Very Old People. Use, Non-use and Opportunities for Use, Lunds universitet, 27 november, 2014. - Annika Lexen
Avhandling: Work and psychiatric disabilities - A person, environment and occupation perspective on Individual Placement and Support. Lunds universitet, mars, 2014. - Eva-Britt Norberg
Avhandling: Dagliga aktiviteter bland äldre personer med kronisk hjärtsvikt - begränsningar och möjligheter. Umeå universitet, april, 2014. - Elisabeth Persson
Avhandling: Musculoskeletal pain rehabilitation A one-year follow-up of occupational performance, psychosocial functioning and disability. Lunds universitet, april 2014. - Cecilia Pettersson
Avhandling: Powered mobility device use: participation and accessibility, Lunds Universitet, 26 september, 2014. - Malin Regardt
Avhandling: Hand Function Activity LImitation, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis. Karolinska Instititutet, 2014.
- Cecilia Areberg
Avhandling: Indiviual Placement and Support (IPS) for persons with severe mental illness - Outcomes of a randomised controlled trial in Sweden. Lund, 5 april, 2013. - Monica Bertilsson
Avhandling: Work capacity and mental health - the phenomena and their importance in return to work. Göteborg, december 2013. - Anna Brorsson
Avhandling: Access to everyday activities in public space - Views of people with dementia. Stockholm 12 september, 2013. - Tina Helle
Avhandling: Housing Accessibility Methodology Targeting Older People - Reliable Assessment and Valid Standards. Lund, 15 mars, 2013. - Helen Lindner
Avhandling: The Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control - Psychometric evidence and comparison with upper limb prosthetic outcome measures, Örebro, oktober 2013. - Anneli Nyman
Avhandling: Togetherness in everyday occupations: how participation in on-going life with others enables change. Luleå, september 2013. - Kristina Orban
Avhandling: The Process of Change in Patterns of Daily Occupations among Parents of Children with Obesity. Lund, 1 mars, 2013. - Carina Tjörnstrand
Avhandling: Engagement in community-based day centres for people with psychiatric disabilities. Lund, 14 december, 2013. - Anita Tollén
Avhandling: Äldre personers dagliga liv och betydelsen av dagrehabilitering. Örebro, 25 januari, 2013. - Johanna Wangdell
Avhandling: Patients' perceived outcomes of tetraplegia hand surgery. Göteborg, 21 februari, 2013.
- Elisabeth Argentzell
Avhandling: Experiences of Everyday Occupation among People with Psychiatric Disabilities – Relationships to social interaction, the worker role and day centre attendance. Lunds universitet, 17 januari, 2012. - Aileen L. Bergström
Avhandling: Participation in everyday occupations and life satisfaction in the stroke-caregiver dyad. Stockholm, 29 november, 2012 - Sofi Fristedt
Avhandling: Occupational participation through community mobility among older men and women. Jönköping, 12 oktober, 2012. - Susanne Gustafsson
Avhandling: Health-promoting interventions for community-dwelling older adults - Focusing on the concept of frailty and intervention outcome. Göteborgs universitet, 24 februari, 2012. - Therese Hellman
Avhandling: Rehabilitation and everyday life in people with stress-related ill health. Karolinska institutet, 17 februari, 2012. - Kajsa Lidström Holmqvist
Avhandling: Occupational therapy practice for clients with cognitive impairments following acquired brain injury. Örebro, 7 december, 2012. - Eva Lindqvist
Avhandling: Assistive technology as cognitive support in everyday life for persons with dementia or stroke. Karolinska institutet, 14 september, 2012. - Ulla Nygren
Avhandling: Individual Placement and Support (IPS) inom en socialpsykiatrisk kontext. En väg till arbete för personer med psykiskt funktionshinder? Umeå universitet, 1 juni, 2012. - Ebba Ossiannilsson
Avhandling: Benchmarking e-learning in higher education : lessons learned from international projects. Oulo, Finland, 4 december, 2012. - Parvin Pooremamali
Avhandling: Culture, occupation and occupational therapy in a mental health care context – The challenge of meeting the needs of Middle Eastern immigrants. Malmö, 30 maj, 2012. - Helena Selander
Avhandling: Driving assessment and driving behaviour, Jönköping, november 2012. - Petra Wagman
Avhandling: Conceptualizing life balance from an empirical and occupational therapy perspective. Jönköping, 10 februari, 2012.
- Christina Andersson
Avhandling: Women's alcohol and drug use. Risk indicators from everyday life and adolscence. Göteborgs universitet, 4 februrai, 2011. - Marie Cederfeldt
Avhandling: Executive dysfunctions in elderly persons with mild stroke. Göteborgs universitet, 17 juni, 2011. - Marie Peny Dahlstrand
Avhandling: To get things done, the challenge in everyday life for chlidren with spina bifida - Quality of performance, autonomy and participation. Göteborgs universitet, 16 september, 2011. - Helene Persson Lidström
Avhandling: Ict and participation in school and outside school activities for children and youts with physical disabilities. Karolinska Institutet, 17 juni, 2011. - Maria Lindström
Avhandling: Promoting agency among people with severe psychiatric disability: Occupation-oriented interventions in home and community settings.Umeå universitet, 16 december, 2011. - Camilla Malinowsky
Avhandling: Managing technology in everyday activities. A study of older adults with dementia, MCI, and no cognitive impairment. Karolinska Institutet, 28 oktober, 2011. - Ingegerd Skoglind Öhman
Avhandling: Participatory methods and empowerment for health and safety work. Case studies in Norrbotten, Sweden. Uleåborgs universitet, 15 december, 2011. - Birgitta Wästberg
Avhandling: Work rehabilitation: Instrument development and women's perceptions of an intervention. Lunds universitet, 12 maj, 2011. - Ann-Marie Öhrvall
Avhandling: Manual Ability Classification System (MACS): development, evaluation and applicability. Karolinska Institutet, 28 oktober, 2011.
- Ingela Carlsson
Avhandling: Cold Sensitivity in injured and normal hands. Consequences for daily life. Department of Hand Surgery Malmö-Lund, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, 12/3-10. - Helene Hillborg
Avhandling: Erfarenheter av rehabiliteringsprocessen mot ett arbetsliv – brukarens och de professionellas perspektiv. Studies from the Swedish Institute for Disability Research, no.34. Örebro universitet, 22/9-10. - Michaela Munkholm
Avhandling: Occupational performance in school settings : evaluation and intervention using the school AMPS. Umeå universitet, december 2010. - Åsa Skjutar
Avhandling: Patient's needs regarding chronic pain rehabilitation and management. Karolinska Institutet, december 2010. - Annika Sköld
Avhandling: Performing bimanual activities in everyday life - experiences of children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Karolinska institutet, oktober 2010.
- Anna Aldehag
Avhandling: The effect of hand training in patients with Welander distal myopathy and Myotonic dystrophy type 1. Karolinska Institutet, 9 juni, 2009. - Inga-Lill Boman
Avhandling: New technology and everyday functioning at home for persons with cognitive impairments after acquired brain injury. Karolinska institutet, 23 januari, 2009. - Yvonne Daving
Avhandling: ADL-asessments after stroke: aspects on reliability. The stability between raters, instruments and modes of administration. Göteborgs universitet, 17 april, 2009. - Lisa Ekstam
Avhandling: Changes in everyday life after stroke : Older individuals and couples daily occupations at home during the first year after stroke. Karolinska Institutet, 5 juni, 2009. - Anette Erikson
Avhandling: Rehabilitation in place – Experiences of daily occupations after acquired brain injury. Karolinska institutet, 23 oktober, 2009. - Marie Holmefur
Avhandling: The Assisting Hand Assessment. Continued development, psychometrics and longitudinal use. Karolinska institutet, 30 januari, 2009 - Gunnel Janeslätt
Avhandling: TIME FOR TIME; Assessment of time processing ability and daily time management in children with and without disabilities. Karolinska institutet, 6 mars, 2009. - Åsa Larsson
Avhandling: Everyday life amongst the oldest old - descriptions of doings and possession and use of technology. Linköpings universitet, 30/4-2009. - Eva Månsson Lexell
Avhandling: Engagement in occupations in persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Lunds universitet, 27 mars, 2009. - Ingela Petersson
Avhandling: Everyday life and home modification for older adults. Impacts, concepts and instrument development. Karolinska institutet, 6 februari, 2009. - Lena Rosenberg
Avhandling: Navigation Trough Technological Landscapes: Views of people with dementia or MCI and their significant others. Karolinska institutet, 11 september, 2009. - Monika Samuelsson
Avhandling: Dynamic Mechanical Allodynia in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Psychophysical Observations. Karolinska institutet, 20 mars, 2009.
- Ann-Helene Almborg
Avhandling: Perceived participation in discharge planning and health related quality of life after stroke, Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping,16 maj, 2008. - Gerd Andersson Svidén
Avhandling: Therapeutic aspects of engagement in occupations in the context of day care for older people and patients in palliative care. Karolinska institutet, 14 november, 2008. - Mathilda Björk
Avhandling: Aspects of disability in rheumatoid arthritis - a five year follow-up in the Swedish TIRA project. Linköpings universitet, 5 juni, 2008. - Elin Ekbladh
Avhandling: Return to work. Assessment of Subjective Psychosocial and Environmental Factors. Linköpings universitet, 30 maj, 2008. - Susanne Guidetti
Avhandling: Recapturing self-care after stroke or spinal cord injury: Exploration of experiences and evaluation of a client-centered intervention. Karolinska institutet, 30 maj, 2008. - Birgitta Gunnarsson
The Tree Theme Method. An occupationa therapy intervention applied in outpatient psychiatric care. Lunds universitet, 10 december, 2008. - Kristina Holmgren
Avhandling: Work-related stress in women. Assassment, prevalence, and return to "work". Göteborgs universitet. 12 september, 2008. - Yvonne Karlsson
Avhandling: Att inte vilja vara problem. Social organisering och utvärdering av elever i en särskild undervisningsgrupp. Linköpings universitet, 25 januari, 2008. - Christel Leufstadius
Avhandling: Spending my time - Time use and meaningfulness in daily occupations as perceived by people with persistent mental illness, Lunds universitet, 11 juní, 2008. - Marie Lidskog
Avhandling: Learning with, from and about each other. Interprofessional education on a training ward in municipal care for older persons. Örebro universitet, 14 november, 2008. - Charlotte Löfqvist
Avhandling: Mobility Devices in Everyday Life among Very Old Europeans: Aspect on Use and Changes over Time. Lunds universitet, 26 september, 2008. - Ann-Helen Patomella
Avhandling: Driving ability among people with stroke: Developing assessments and exploring the lived experience. Karolinska institutet, 17 oktober, 2008 - Sofia Vikström
Avhandling: Supporting persons with dementia and their spouses´everyday occupations in the home environment. Karolinska Institutet, 25 januari, 2008.
- Ulrika Bejerholm
Avhandling: Occupational perspectives on health in people with schizophrenia. Lunds universitet, 16 februari, 2007. - Ann Björkdahl
Avhandling: Stroke rehabilitation: data from a randomized controlled study in the home setting; functioning and costs. Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. 9 februari, 2007 - Jurgen Broeren
Avhandling: Virtual Rehabilitation - Implications for Persons with Stroke. Göteborgs universitet, 28 september, 2007. - Gunnel Carlsson
Avhandling: Mild stroke - consequences in everyday life, coping and life satisfaction. Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. 23 mars, 2007. - Gunilla Eriksson
Avhandling: Occupational gaps after acquired brain injury: An exploration of participation in everyday occupations and the relation to life satisfaction. Karolinska institutet, 7 december, 2007. - Margot Frisk
Avhandling: Asthma and respiratory symptoms related to the housing environment. Örebro Universitet. 25 maj, 2007 - Greta Häggblom Kronlöf
Avhandling: Participation in Evereyday Life. Very Old Persons' Experiences of Daily Occupation, Occupation of Interest and Use of Assistive Devices. Göteborgs universitet, juni 2007. - Gunilla Isaksson
Avhandling: Det sociala nätverkets betydelse för delaktighet i dagliga aktiviteter - Erfarenheter från kvinnor med ryggmärgsskada och deras män. Luleå tekniska universitet, 9 november, 2007. - Pia Käcker
Avhandling: Nycklar till kommunikation. Kommunikation mellan vuxna personer med förvärvad grav hjärnskada och personernas närstående, anhöriga och personal. Linköpings universitet. 15 mars, 2007. - Ulrika Müssener
Avhandling: ”Encouraging Encounters – experiences of people on sick leave in their meetings with professionals”. Linköpings universitet, 2 mars, 2007. - Lisbeth Nilsson
Avhandling: Driving to Learn. The process of growing consciousness of tool use - a grounded theory of de-plateauing. Lunds universitet, 9 mars, 2007. - Maria Prellwitz
Avhandling: Playground accessibility and usability for children with disabilities. Experiences of children, parents and professionals. Luleå tekniska universitet, 30 november, 2007. - Jan Sandqvist
Avhandling: Development and Evaluation of Validity and Utility of the Instrument Assessment of Work Performance (AWP). Linköpings universitet. 25 september, 2007. - Annika Öhman
Avhandling: Navigating in a changing world: experiences of everyday life from the perspective of persons with cognitive impairment or dementia. Karolinska institutet. 30 mars, 2007.
- Hanna Arneson
Avhandling: Enpoverment and health promotion in working life. Institutionen för hälsa och samhälle. Linköpings universitet. 10 februari, 2006. - Maria Haak
Avhandling: Participation And Independence In Old Age - Aspects Of Home And Neighbourhood Environments. Lunds universitet. 15 december, 2006. - Birgit Hagsten
Avhandling: Arbetsterapeutisk träning efter höftfraktur – aktivitetsförmåga och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Karolinska institutet 22 september, 2006. - Carita Håkansson
Avhandling: Engagement in occupations of every day life among women of working age. Indicators of health and stress. Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet, 2 mars, 2006. - Helena Lindstedt
Avhandling: Daily occupations in mentally disordered offenders in Sweden, exploring occupational performance and social participation. Institutionen för Folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, Uppsala universitet. 13 januari, 2006. - Åsa Lundgren Nilsson
Avhandling: Characteristics of the Functional Independence Measure in patients with neurological disorders. Measurement through rasch analysis. Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet.16 juni, 2006. - Ingeborg Nilsson
Avhandling: Occupational Engagement among Older People. Evaluation, repertoire and Relation to Life Satisfaction. Umeå Universitet. 13 oktober, 2006. - Ingvor Pettersson
Avhandling: Significance of Assistive Devices in the Daily Life of Persons with Stroke and Their Spouse. Örebro Universitet 2 juni, 2006. - Monica Werngren-Elgström
Avhandling: Deaf Sign Language Users: Prevalence and Aspects of Quality of Life in Old Age. Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet. Lund 28 april, 2006. - Ingegerd Wikström
Avhandling: Leisure Activities in Rheumatiod Arthritis. Associated Facors and Assessment. Lunds universitet. 23 november, 2006.
- Raymond Dahlberg
Avhandling: Health and working conditions among low-educated women. Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap. Karolinska institutet, Stockholm. 2 september, 2005. - Kajsa Eklund
Avhandling: A group- and activity-based health promotion program for older persons with visual impairment, a summative evaluation. Institutionen för arbetsterapi och fysioterapi, Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. 17 juni, 2005. - Annie Hansen Falkdal
Avhandling: Sjukskrivnas resurser och hinder för återgång i arbete. Viktiga faktorer för tidig bedömning. Samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering, Arbetsterapi, Umeå Universitet. 23 september, 2005. - Eva-Lisa Hultberg
Avhandling: Co-financed collaboration between welfare services - effects on staff and patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Samhällsmedicinska institutionen, Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. 27 maj, 2005. - Lena Mårtensson
Avhandling: Rehabilitation of persons with chronic pain. An approach built on understanding. Institutionen för arbetsterapi och fysioterapi, Göteborgs universitet. 4 november, 2005. - Ingrid Thyberg
Avhandling: Disease and disability in early rheumatoid arthritis. A 3-year follow-up of women and men in the Swedish TIRA project. Institutionen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, Linköpings universitet. 2 september, 2005.
- Elisabeth Elgmark
Avhandling: Mild traumatic brain injuries. The impact of early intervention on late sequelae. Institutionen för klinisk nerurovetenskap, Göteborgs Universitet. 8 oktober, 2004. - Agneta Fänge
Avhandling: Strategies for Evaluation of Housing Adaptations. Accessibility, Usability and ADL Dependence. Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Avdelningen för arbetsterapi. Lunds universitet 19 mars, 2004. - Liselotte Hermansson
Avhandling: Upper Limb Reduction Deficiencies in Swedish Children. Classification, prevalence and function with myoelectric prostheses. Karolinska institutet, Stockholm. 17 december, 2004. - Ulla Johansson
Avhandling: Long-term outcome after brain injury. With focus on return to work, life satisfaction and participation. Samhällsmedicin och Rehabilitering, Arbetsterapi. Umeå Universitet. 10 december, 2004. - Maria Larsson Lund
Avhandling: Living with physical disability. Experiences of the rehabilitation process, occupations and participation in everyday life. Institutionen för Samhällsmedicin och Rehabilitering; Arbetsterapi. Umeå Universitet. 8 oktober, 2004. - Gunilla Liedberg
Avhandling: Women with fibromyalgia. Employment and daily life. Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för nervsystem och rörelseorgan, Avdelningen för arbetsterapi, Hälsouniversitetet, Linköping 21 april, 2004. - Gunnel Sandqvist
Avhandling: Hand function, everyday occupations and wellbeing in individuals with systemich sclerosis. Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Avdelningen för arbetsterapi, Lunds universitet. 17 september, 2004.
- Evastina Björk
Avhandling: A Contribution to Insider Action Research applied on Development of Assitive Product. Otto-von-Guernicke Universität i Magdeburg, Tyskland. December 2003. - Gunilla Carlsson
Avhandling: Catching the Bus in Old Age. Methodological Aspects of Accessibility Assessments in Public Transport. Medicinska fakulteten. Lunds universitet. 21/11-02. TA nr 6/03. - Ragnhild Cederlund
Avhandling: Hand-arm vibration syndrome. Consequences for hand function and quality of life. Lunds universitet. 6 december, 2002. - Irena Dychawy-Rosner
Avhandling: Daily Activities among Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Assessment, Staff Expediences, and Caring Dynamics. Lunds universitet. 7 maj, 2003. - Lena-Karin Erlandsson
Avhandling: 101 Women´s Patterns of Daily Occupations. Characteristics and Relationships to Helath and Well-being. Lunds universitet. 18 december, 2003. - Gunilla Forsberg-Wärleby
Avhandling: Spouses of Stroke Patients. Psychological Well-Being and Life Statisfaction. Göteborgs Universitet. 6 december, 2003. - Kitty Gahnström-Strandqvist
Avhandling: Rehabilitation in a Changing Context – Responses, Difficulties and Competence from the View of occupational Therapists and Clients. Karolinska Institutet, 12 juni, 2003. - Ann-Britt Ivarsson
Avhandling: Occupational Performance in Individuals with Severe Mental Disorders. Assessment and Family Burden. Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap. Uppsala universitet, 8 november, 2002. - Anders Kottorp
Avhandling: Occupation-based evaluation and intervention. Validity of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills when used with persons with mental retardation. Umeå Universitet. 23 maj 2003. - Barbro Krevers
Avhandling: Patient and relative perspectives regarding quality in hospital care for older people: theory and methods. 2003. - Eva-Lena Larsson
Avhandling: Pre- and postoperative evaluation of function and activity in patients with paralytic scoliosis. Linköpings universitet. November, 2003. - Carita Nygren
Avhandling: The Complexity of Geriatric Rehabilitation, A One-Year Follow-up of Client, Varegiver, and Administration Perceptions. Lunds universitet. 23 maj, 2003. - Kersti Samuelsson
Avhandling: Active wheelchair use in daily life – considerations for mobility and seating, Linköpings universietet, 15 november, 2003.
- Lisbeth Claesson
Avhandling: Stroke in elderly people. A randomised study of stroke unit care. Evaluation of health care utilisation and costs. Göteborgs universitet. 6 juni, 2002. - Gunilla Gosman Hedström
Avhandling: Daily life after stroke in elderly people. Evaluation of stroke uit care, focusing on daily activities, resource use and costs, assistive devices and health-related quality of life. Göteborgs universitet, 14 juni, 2002. - Gun-Marie Hariz
Avhandling: Stereotactic Surgery in Patients with Parkinson´s Disease and Essential Tremor: Evaluation of activities of daily living and health-related quality of life, Umeå universitet, 7 juni, 2002. - Helena Hemmingsson
Avhandling: Student-Environment Fit for Students with Physical Disabilities. Karolinska Institutet, 30 augusti, 2002. - Anette Kjellberg
Avhandling: Participation – Ideology and Everyday Life. How to understand the experiences of persons with learning disabilities, Linköpings universitet. 18 juni, 2002. - Lena Krumlinde
Avhandling: Aspects of hand function in children with unilateral impairments caused by Brachial Plexus Palsy or Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Karolinska Institutet, 24 maj, 2002. - Marie-Louise Schult
Avhandling: Multidimensional Assessment of People with Chronic Pain. A critical appraisal of the Person, Environment, Occupation model. Uppsala universitet, 26 september, 2002. - Ewa Wressle
Avhandling: Client participation in the rehabilitation process. Linköpings universietet, 5 april, 2002.
- Inger Berndtsson
Avhandling: Förskjutna horisonter. Livsförändring och lärande i samband med synnedsättning eller blindhet. Institutionen för Pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs Universitet, 18 maj, 2001. - Torbjörn Falkmer
Avhandling: Transport Mobility for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Linköpings universitet. 11 april, 2001. - Carin Fredriksson
Avhandling: Att lära sig leva med förvärvad hörselnedsättning sett ur ett par-perspektiv. Om anpassningsstrategiers funktionella och sociala innebörder. Svenska Institutet för Handikappvetenskap, Linköpings universitet/Örebro Universitet. 19 oktober, 2001. - Maria Müllersdorf
Avhandling: Needs Assessment in Occupational Therapy. Studies of persons with long-term/recurrent pain. Uppsala universitet, 2001. - Birgitta Sjöqvist-Nätterlund
Avhandling: Living with Muscular Dystrophy, Illness Experience, Activities of Daily Living, Coping, Quality of Life and Rehabilitation. Uppsala universitet. 23 maj, 2001. - Dennis Persson
Avhandling: Aspects of Meaning in Everydag Occupations and its Relationship to Healthrelated Factors. Lunds universitet. 20 december, 2001. - Kajsa-Lena Thundal
Avhandling: Social conditions and lifestyle among women with alcohol related problems. Göteborgs Universitet. Mars 2001.
- Birgitha Archenholtz
Avhandling: Disease Impact and Quality of Life in Rheumatic Diseases. Avdelningen för Reumatologi, Göteborgs Universitet. 14 april, 2000. - Anita Björklund
Avhandling: On the Structure and Contents of Occupational Therapist Paradigms. Empirical studies of occcupational therapy students and occupational therapists views on occupational therapy. Karolinska Institutet. 14/ april, 2000. - Synneve Dahlin Ivanoff
Avhandling: Development and Evaluation of a Health Education Programme for Elderly Persons with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Göteborgs Universitet. 8 september, 2000. - Berit Dellhag
Avhandling: Hand Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Göteborg Universitet. 17 maj, 2000. - Hans Jonsson
Avhandling: Anticipating, Experiencing and Valuing the Transition from Worker to Retiree, A Longitudinal Study of Retirement as an Occupational Transition. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. 5 april, 2000. - Margareta Lilja
Avhandling: Elderly Disabled Persons living in the Home Setting, Aspects of Activities in Daily Life. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. 1 september, 2000. - Birgitta Rosén
Avhandling: The sensational hand. Clinical assessment after nerve repair. Lunds Universitet. 16 november, 2000. - Anna-Lisa Thorén-Jönsson
Avhandling: Adaptation and ability in daily occupations in people with poliomyelitis sequelae. . Göteborgs Universitet. December 2000.
- Britta Löfgren
Avhandling: Rehabilitation of old people with stroke. Outcome prediction and long-term follow-up. Umeå universitet. 29 maj, 1999.
- Kerstin Tham
Avhandling: Unilateral Neglect; Aspects of Rehabilitation from an Occupational Therapy Perspective. Karolinska Institutet, 27 november, 1998.
- Anna-Lena Bellner
Avhandling: Professionalization and Rehabilitation. The case of Swedish occupational and physical therapists. Linköpings universitet. 6 november, 1997. - Lena Haglund
Avhandling: Occupational therapy assessment in general psychiatric care. Hälsouniversitetet, Linköpings universitet. - Susanne Iwarsson
Avhandling: Functional Capacity and Physical invironmental Demand. Exploration of Factors Influencing Everyday Activity and Health in the Elderly Population. Lunds universitet. 21 mars, 1997. - Hans Samuelsson
Avhandling: Visuospatial Neglect: Attentional Deficits and Anatomical Correlates.Göteborgs Universitet, 12 september, 1997.
- Mona Eklund
Avhandling: Occupational Group Therapy in a Psychiatric Day Care Unit for Long-Term Mentally Ill Patients. Ward Atmosphere, Treatment Process, and Outcome. Lunds Universitet. 20 december, 1996. - Ulla Nordenskiöld
Avhandling: Daily activities in women with rheumatoid arthritis. Göteborgs Universitet. 17 december, 1996. - Louise Nygård
Avhandling: Everyday Life with Dementia. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. 31 maj, 1996.
- Chris Henriksson
Avhandling: Living with fibromyalgia - a study of the consequences for daily activities. Institutionen för omvårdnadsforskning, 28 april, 1995. - Margareta Lindberg
Avhandling: On Functions, Abilitities and Quality of Life after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Occupational therapy aspects. Umeå universitet. 15 december, 1995. - Ulla Sonn
Avhandling: Longitudinal studies of dependence in daily life activities among the elederly. Göteborgs Universitet. 29 maj, 2002. - Kristina Törnquist
Avhandling: Att fastställa och mäta förmåga till dagliga livets aktiviteter (ADL), en kritisk granskning av ADL-instrument och arbetsterapipraxis. Göteborg universitet. 7 juni, 1995.
- Ann-Christin Eliasson
Avhandling: Sensorimotor control and human precision grip: aspects of normal and impaired development. Karolinska Institutet, 2 november, 1994. - Staffan Josephsson
Avhandling: Everyday Activities as Meeting-Places in Dementia. Karolinska Institutet. 11 juni, 1994.
- Gunilla Svidén
Avhandling: Exploring Sensitivity to Nonverbal Communication in Controlled Settings.Methodological considerations. Tema Kommunikation. Linköpings universitet. 6 april, 1993.
- Lena Borell
Avhandling: The Activity Life of persons with a dementia disease. Geriatriska Institutionen, Karolinska Institutet, 1992. - Inga-Britt Bränholm
Avhandling: On Life Satisfaction, Occupational Roles and Activity Preferences. Occupational Therapy Aspects. Umeå universitet, 1992.
- Birgitta Bernspång
Avhandling: Concequences of Stroke. Aspects of Impairments. Disabilities and Life Satisfaction with special emphasis on Perception and on Occupational Therapy. Rehabiliteringsmedicinska Institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1987. - Birgitta Lundgren-Lindquist
Avhandling: Functional Capability in 79-Year Old Women and Men. Medicinsk Rehabilitering, Göteborg, 1982. - Ingrid Söderback
Avhandling: Training intellectual functions in patients with acquired brain damage. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1988.