The vision is based on three distinct objectives:
- an occupational therapy perspective; development of the occupational therapy profession and working conditions and being a pro-active union.
- Knowledge-based occupational therapy is to be a recognized pathway towards an equitable and sustainable society. The world around is to see that occupational therapists, regardless of where they carry out their work, enable people’s everyday lives to function.
- Occupational therapists are to have sustainable working lives with sound competence and positive salary developments.
Read more in the document Vision and strategies for the Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists, 2024 (pdf).
Commun values
The Association’s common values are based on the values that characterise a democraticstate governed by law, as expressed in the Swedish Constitution, the UN General Declaration of Human Rights as well as the European Convention on the protection of human rightsand personal liberties.
The members of the association are, in reference to the statues of our association, obligied to work according to our Code of Ethics.