Organisation and management structure

The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists is an independent, non-political and non-denominational association of occupational therapists.

Our organization, which is both a professional organization and a trade union, handles professional and training issues, monitors pertinent political developments, salaries, collective agreements, and questions related to professional development and formation of public opinion. Together with 21 professional organizations, we are a member of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations – Saco.


The Association shall watch over and further the employment and vocational interests of its members. In particular, this means that the Association shall:

  • seek to obtain good salaries and salary increment
  • seek to obtain sound conditions of employment, opportunities for employment and suitable work organisations
  • seek to ensure sound educational opportunities for occupational therapists
  • seek to ensure sound opportunities for further education as well as training and research
  • develop the links between education and research and practical activities in order to ensure a sound vocational development for occupational therapists
  • develop close co-operation with Nordic and international associations of occupational therapists
  • disseminate information about occupational therapy and occupational therapists

Organisation and management structure

The General Assembly is our top decision-making body, meets every third year. A General Assembly is to be held every third year during the period 1 October to 30 November. Between the General  Assembly meetings, the Association Board is responsible for managing the running of the Association. The Board consists of the Association chairperson and eleven delegates, of whom one is a student representative. 

We have a regional/local substructure consisting of 24 local branches, each with its own board. Each local branch elects local wage negotiators, etc. The student organisation, Sveriges Arbetsterapeutstudenter, has its own board and chairperson.

Read more about the General Assembly and the structure of our organisation in the Statutes of the Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists (pdf).


Membership of the Association is granted by the Board of the Association. Read more about the requirement for being accepted as a member and obligations of members in the Statutes of the Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists.

The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists is powered by dedicated members and is the natural home for everyone who has an Occupational Therapy qualification and all Occupational Therapy students.